
Monday, August 24, 2015

4 Most Anticipated Game Releases in this Summer

4. EVERY BODY’s Gone to the Rupture

            Called “spiritual successor”, from Sony’s PS4 to the story-driven PC game title Dear Esther. Unlike Dear Esther, his game is allowing players for more interaction, including opening doors and manipulating some objects. Finally, the hot next-gen “door opening” action for PS4 gamers will arrived.
                According to the developers, the game was influenced British Apocalyptic science fiction of 1960’s and 1970’s.
Release Date: August 11, 2015
Platform:  PS4

3. Gears of War Ultimate Edition

                 Modernized and Remastered for Xbox One, this game is rendered the The Louvre has announced to take down The Mona Lisa for exchange of screenshots of Marcus Fenix’s enigmatic smile.
                  Characters, environment, lighting and cut scenes is revamped from the group up by Microsoft. Gears of War Ultimate Edition includes five new campaign chapters that has never been release to a console, as well a new multiplayer modes.
Release Date: August 25, 2015
Platform: Xbox One

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

                  It is the highly anticipated sequel of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the game follows the main character Punished Venom Snake as he set a revenge to his enemies by sneaking around Afghanistan and Africa during the Soviet War.
                  On stealthy mission of vengeance of Snake, he has three AI companions on game, which includes Quiet, the female soldier with supernatural capabilities, a horse which the saddle could be customize and a African wolf.
Release Date:  September 1, 2015
Platform: Xbox One, 360, Sony PS4 and PS3

1.     MAD MAX

Players of this game will collect resources includes food, water and jerry can of fuel, that is vital for Max’s survival in game. Max has option to find rare parts for his car, but he must go to an unchartered wasteland called “The Big Nothing”.
The vehicle of Max Magnum Opus will be upgradable with different weapons, such as flamethrowers, a cannon and also a nitro boost.
The developer, Avalanche Studios stated that the game campaign requires player up to 60% driving. And 40% will be about chrome paint into the mouth to enter Valhalla.

Release Date: September 1, 2015
Platform: Xbox One, Sony PS4, PC


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